Sunday, November 12, 2006

Only Today...

...did I realize how far behind I really am in my Semester Project. It is now a three-week-one-day project.

To borrow from Lindsay:
Interviews: none. And the person I want to interview refuses to be my expert evaluator. She also has been gone for a week and is having surgery soon. Not to mention her Thanksgiving break!
Books Bought: 4
Books Highlighted & Annotated: .25
Pages Copied: approx. 500
Pages Highlited: approx. 100
Thesis Question: 7 different forms. I have yet to specify.
Product: What product? I have no idea that is even possible considering the amount of time I have to work with.
Visual Aids: Umm... maybe i'll just blow up a diagram or two from a book and hope it's not too pixelated on a poster

In other words: I AM DROWNING.



Erika Anneliese said...

: P I wish I could throw you a life saver, but I am in the water too. Maybe being on the swim team will pay off: )