So I tried out for the school musical today...but I wasn't really surprised with the results. I wasn't the worst one there, that is definite, but I sure do suck. For one thing, I can not dance. I literally walked off the stage when it was my turn. I attempted, I really did. But I couldn't handle it. I felt horrible. When it came time to do my solo, that actually went really well. It was the first singing audition I had ever done (except for all-city, which I don't count). After that we did more stuff with the actual music from the musical.
I came into it knowing that I am not going to make it. It's only my first year in choir anyway. And I walked out knowing that I am not going to make it. But as Joey said, I am a "stronger human being" now. Sure. A stronger human being who now knows that she can never dance. But a stronger human being who has tried and who has finally attempted her first real audition ever.
Go me.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Posted by Lauren Mayerle at 10:31 PM
Well, I am still proud of you for trying out.
I agree ... auditions are awful! Do a couple more and I promise they get way easier.
I still love you!
*See essay for detailed description of suckiness.*
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