Hello William.
If you find this, your search has ended.
Unfortunately, I hid the post about you because it's... about you.
If you ask nicely I might let you see it soetime.
See you soon.
Monday, June 08, 2009
Velcome Sir Vilhelm
Posted by Lauren Mayerle at 11:16 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 09, 2008
The first person truly close to me to die.
Soph always sent me great emails.
Early morning saga Was up early this morning (about 5) . Angel wanted to go out, so even though it was snowing a bit, I let her go. Checked on her a couple of times, but she didn’t want to come back in. About 5:30 I saw she was at the door, so opened it and in she RAN. I saw she was playing with something and looked closer....YEP A MOUSE. While she and the mouse were in the front entry...I headed to the kitchen and grabbed a rag.... Angel and the mouse were heading toward the bathroom then mouse turned and was heading toward the computer room (nice, huh)...Angel jumped in front of it and they were having a “Mexican standoff”...I came up from behind and grabbed the mouse and threw it out the front door into the courtyard near the gate and into the snow. It stayed there a second. then got up and last I saw was heading out into the night (or morning). Needless to say Angel was in the house and when I closed the door, gave me THE LOOK. Guess all is forgiven now...she is curled up on my lap while I’m trying to type.... Yes, a creature was stirring...and it was a mouse... Merry Christmas ....do ya think Pumpkin or Whiskers will get it ???
She read my blog, too. She'd send me emails regarding my posts instead of commenting.
Love your Blog site....you are just too good....and thanks for including Angel and me...that was special....but so are you !!!!
I'm gonna miss making potica and pizelles and sweet rolls with you.
I'm gonna miss the cute forwards you always sent me.
I'm gonna miss checking the weather radar with you and your phone calls warning me about the tornado watches.
I'm gonna miss sitting at your house and eating ice cream and playing yahtzee and doing homework for hours on end.
I'm gonna miss watching the bell game with you, and carving pumpkins for you.
I'm gonna miss raking leaves with you, and hearing all about the newest gadget you ordered from the television.
I'm gonna miss how you always woke up with the birds, while it was still dark.
I'm gonna miss your demand for hugs and reports on my extracurriculars.
You were the only person to ever come to an entire swim meet just to watch me.
Yes, Soph, I'm gonna miss you.
Posted by Lauren Mayerle at 8:59 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 07, 2008
We came for Palin...
...and left after she spoke! Forget McCain.
The funniest part was as we were waiting in traffic. We rolled down the windows, and cranked up the music. We were dancing around in the car singing off-key, and this old guy almost rear-ended the nice car in front of him because he was distracted watching us!
Posted by Lauren Mayerle at 6:28 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Hot Dogs
This picture is from April when the choir went to New York. I was thinking about NY today because Joey (in the sunglasses) and I were singing/playing out of the Spring Awakening book. I definitely want to go again. I can't believe we didn't see SA when we were there. We walked past the theatre at least twice. There just wasn't time. Someday. I think it's coming to Denver in 2009, but it won't be as good as the almost-original cast on Broadway.
Posted by Lauren Mayerle at 5:14 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I stumbled across the adorable blog of "B" today while nursing my school-worn mind with the lives of lovely people. She had a list of things she was for/against. I thought it was a neat idea, especially to see if my thoughts change over time. Controversial issues yay.
Abortion: I think that if birth control was more readily available abortion wouldn't be such a problem. It has been my ovservation that the girls who get abortions are the nice white girls whose parents don't think their daughters could possible be having sex, and whose daughters are too afraid to tell their parents anything. I am against late-term abortion, but it's your body...do what you will. People who think they need abortions probably wouldn't have been great parents anyway. Make adoption programs strong so that young girls who really aren't ready for a baby can feel secure giving their child to strangers.
Alcohol: Lower the drinking age. I don't drink, I don't party, nor do I ever plan to be out of my mind drunk (I like to have control over myself), but after talking with several kids from the UK and observing the behaviour and irresponsibility of my peers, a lower drinking age wouldn't be as terrible as it sounds. Kids are more responsible when they don't have to sneak around.
Capital Punishment: This might sound messed up, but killing someone isn't going to teach them a lesson. It is more economical, however.
Drug Legalization: Pot is the only thing I'd consider legalizing. It's already all over the place. Unfortunately, it is easily laced with other drugs. Not cool.
Euthanasia: I'm for lethal injection under strict, well-thought out circumstances and only by full consent of the patient, with the doctor's permission/assesion of the patient's mental state to make such decisions. Death doesn't have to be painful.
Global Warming/Environment: We need to get better about recycling, because really, it's entirely logical. As for the dramatic melting ice caps, please. It's turned into a business and lost its meaning along the way.
Immigration: There are hard-working people who come to the US just to work and support their families, but don't want to transplant the hitos and abuelas. Create a work program (kind of like in the 1930s) and take control away from the drug lords. It'll give us a better, more organized work force and them a safer journey.
Prayer in Public Schools: Say the pledge as written, if only for its historical value. Anything after that should be optional but not banned.
Racism: Also not cool. But the more prevalent thing I've seen has to do with...
Homosexuality: There is a difference between marriage of the state and marriage of the church. For legal reasons, I see no reason why the state should not grant marriage. Each individual denomination can decide for themselves. Don't be freaked out by two guys kissing. It's sweet. I know some gay couples who have much more mature and committed relationships than opposite gender couples of the same age.
Smoking: Colorado has a ban on all smoking inside public places (with the exception of tobacco shops). It's wonderful. Those who wish to smoke can sit outside, or in the winter can sit in their car and smoke. Simple. Clean for the rest of us.
Umm that's all I can think of right now. Responses/debation welcome.
Posted by Lauren Mayerle at 3:07 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Looking at Colleges
Eating wonderful food. Shopping.
"I see where this trip is going."
My favourite is still DU. Boulder comes in next (although there are so many people), then Regis.
Posted by Lauren Mayerle at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Swing Away.
The picture that is the new banner for the blog is my favourite from this "shoot," but this one is just fun.
Today Megan and I went to see a movie. As we were walking out, people were intrigued by my outfit. I used to not like the attention but this time I felt like something different, in a good regard. Sweet.
Skirt - Khols; Tank - stolen from Hillary; scarf - Old Navy (my newest place of employment).
Posted by Lauren Mayerle at 4:28 PM 1 comments
the Will Bird.
aka m.61, the bird, chamber buddy.
He's 17. Plays the violin like a madman. Has masterful callouses and soft skin. Adorable boy-ish haircut. Six feet tall. Skinny. Dresses nicely. Always has awesome shoes. Smart. Homeschooled, going to college this fall. Plays soccer. Skis. Cutest nose that I like to kiss.
Oh did I say that?
Posted by Lauren Mayerle at 3:34 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Summer, begun
It will wear off. She's just upset about the fact that I had library fines, and that the country club didn't want me, and that I have friends and she doesn't, and that I don't care that much about getting a job until after all my "engagements" are finished.
The attitude part is only because I was texting one night at the dinner table, although that "life" is more prominent to me than my home life is. And why shouldn't it be? That is the one which requires the most maintenance. Maintain is the mantra. For today, for summer.
In the meantime,,,
Posted by Lauren Mayerle at 6:28 PM 0 comments